Todos Pelo Trabalho (Everyone For Work) |
Barcarena (State of Pará)-
Brazil |
Xingu Regional Sustainable Development Plan (PDRSX) |
State of Pará-
Brazil |
Generation Program |
Itapoá (State of Santa Catarina)-
Brazil |
Santa Rita tailings dam |
State of Bahia -
Brazil |
Bahia Road Rehabilitation and Maintenance Project |
State of Bahia-
Brazil |
Aricanduva Bus Rapid Transit Corridor |
Saõ Paulo-
Brazil |
Mangaraí Pilot Project |
State of Espírito Santo -
Brazil |
Belo Monte Power Plant |
State of Pará-
Brazil |
PROMABEN Program |
Belém (State of Pará) -
Brazil |
ProRural Program |
State of Pernambuco-
Brazil |
Tietê Várzea Resettlement Plan |
State of Saõ Paulo -
Brazil |
Community Peace Centers (COMPAZ) |
Brazil |
Women’s Hospital of Recife (HMR) |
Brazil |
Occurrence of Radioactive Elements in the Waters of the Caetité Uranium Province |
State of Bahia -
Brazil |
Ecological Economic Zoning of the Coastal Region of Ceará |
State of Ceará-
Brazil |
Sewerage System in Camaçari and Dias D’Avila |
State of Bahia -
Brazil |
Atlas of Urban Water Supply in Brazil |
Railway Line Çerkezköy – Kapikule |
High Speed Railway Line Ankara - Istanbul |
Tabuleiros Litoraneos Irrigation Project – Phase II |
State of Piauí-
Brazil |
Xingó Canal |
States of Sergipe and Bahia-
Brazil |
Frecheirinha dam |
Brazil |
Sewage Treatment Plant of Barra da Tijuca |
Rio de Janeiro-
Brazil |
Recife’s Urban Waste Collection and Cleaning Services |
Recife -
Brazil |
Tietê River Sanitation |
Saõ Paulo-
Brazil |
Teresina’s Water Supply and Sewage System |
Brazil |
Interconnection works between the Jaguarí and Atibainha dams |
São Paulo-
Brazil |
"Ramal do Agreste" Water Supply System |
State of Pernambuco-
Brazil |
Ceará Water Belt (Cinturão das Águas do Ceará) |
State of Ceará-
Brazil |
Inter 2 Bus Rapid Transit Line (BRT) |
Brazil |
Airfields in the State of Pernambuco |
Brazil |
Suape 2030 Master Plan |
Brazil |
Caminhos de Pernambuco Program |
State of Pernambuco -
Brazil |
Nova Ferroeste Railway |
States of Mato Grosso do Sul and Paraná-
Brazil |
Ethnographic Park of Istanbul |
Istanbul /
Turkey |
"Fabrica da Cultura" building |
São Bernardo do Campo-
Brazil |
Blumenau Prison Complex |
Brazil |
Teatro do Parque |
Recife -
Brazil |
Gaziantep Integrated Health Campus |
Turkey |