Alto Tâmega, Daivões, Gouvães
Alto Tâmega Hydropower Complex
The Alto Tâmega is the largest project of its kind carried out in Europe in the last 25 years
The project involves the construction of three hydropower schemes with a combined capacity of 1,158 MW and a yearly production of 1,800 GWh:
- Gouvães Hydropower Scheme on the Torno river (a tributarity of the Tâmega river), including a 35m-high concrete gravity dam, feeding an 880 MW powerhouse, equipped with reversible units (pumped storage).
- Daivões Hydropower Scheme on the Tâmega river, including a 76m-high arch-gravity concrete dam with a 118 MW powerhouse at the dam toe.
- Alto Tâmega Hydropower Scheme on the Tâmega river, including a 106m-high double-curvature concrete arch dam, 332 m long at the crest, with a 160 MW powerhouse at the dam toe.
The project is part of the Portuguese National Programme for Dams with High Hydroelectric Potential (PNBEPH).
Our mission(s)
- Preliminary and detailed design
- Technical assistance during the construction works