Zarat Seawater Desalination Plant
Construction of a seawater reverse osmosis (SWRO) desalination plant capable to produce 50,000 m³ of drinking water per day, expandable to 100,000 m³
It will supply drinking water to the cities of Gabès, Médenine and Tataouine.
The project includes the construction of:
- the desalination plant itself,
- the seawater pumping system,
- two tanks, each with a storage capacity of 10,000m³
- the seawater intake system composed of pipes diameter 1,800 mm,
- the brine outfall system composed of pipes diameter 1,400 mm,
- the connection to the existing network.
Our mission(s)
Technical assistance and supervision of the works:
- preparation of tender documents for the works contracts,
- detailed design review,
- supervision of the construction.