Emergency Control Project against Flooding (PULCI)
TPF is involved in the implementation of the Flood Emergency Project
The objective is to protect local communities and rice farmers in the Far North region of Cameroon by rehabilitating hydraulic and irrigation structures damaged and destroyed by the floods.
The project has already upgraded a 70km flood dyke along the Logone River and 27 km of the Maga dam and rehabilited the irrigation bulk-water infrastructure including intakes, main canals and secondary canals.
TPF helped also to create and to consolidate eight Water Use Associations (WUA) in the irrigation areas of SEMRY (Société d’expansion et de modernisation de la riziculture de Yagoua), directly benefited from the project
But not only, we provided training activities for SEMRY's agricultural extension workers and WUA managers.
Today, we are providing assistance services for the operation and maintenance of the hydro-agricultural infrastructure.
Our mission(s)
- Studies and Engineering services
- Consulting services